With and Without Cooling enabled in Slic3r.
With and Without Cooling enabled in Slic3r.

We have one of those water cooler things in the house that has a super hot water spout on it.  We also have a 10 month old running around, so we needed some method to cover that hot faucet up, as the safety latch broke off a few years ago.  I decided to mock one up really quick and print it.  (This is the first thought anyone with a 3d printer has.)  I came up with a very simple cover with a little pin in one end.

I printed my first one and it was looking good, up until it got to the long skinny parts near the top of the print.  What happened here?  I accidentally turned off a “Cooling” setting in Slic3r.  This setting makes sure that small layers like this get a delay between layers to allow drying time.  See the before and after.  The setting makes a huge difference.

I had originally ignored this setting because I wasn’t using a fan with my ABS.  It wasn’t until I read that detailed paragraph that I realized that it was for so much more.  Now I keep it enabled all the time.

Slic3r's Cooling Setting
Slic3r’s Cooling Setting

By Arthur

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